Want to Generate More Revenue? Let's 10X the Value of Your Offer to Create Irresistible, High-Converting Funnels.

Are You a Speaker, Author, or Coach?

I Help People Like You Impact More Customers & Increase Revenue By Designing Fully Branded Websites, Funnels, & Programs With Proven Strategies.

Let's Build Your Very Own...

  • Membership Program: Create ongoing value with an online program
  • Challenge: Take customers & community members through a journey
  • Funnels: Create high-converting funnels for your programs

Learn How We'll Build It All For You And 10X Your Value


If You're Ready to Create All of This, Get In Touch Today!

Your information will not be shared with any 3rd parties.

Are You a Speaker, Author, or Coach?

I help people like you impact more customers & increase revenue by designing fully branded websites, funnels, & programs with proven strategies.

It's Time to Impact More Customers Using Proven Strategies!

Let's Build Your Very Own...

  • Membership Program: Create ongoing value with an online program
  • Challenge: Take customers & community members through a journey
  • Funnels: Create high-converting funnels for your programs

Learn How We'll Build It All For You And 10X Your Value


If You're Ready to Create All of This, Get In Touch Today!

Your information will not be shared with any 3rd parties.

A Message From Emanuel...

"We've all been disrupted due to COVID-19 & this strategy call may just be what you need to achieve massive growth this upcoming year. You need to learn how to multiply yourself & impact more people. It's time to innovate & 10x our value. "

Lead Designer & Founder @ Leftspire

A Message From Emanuel...

"We've all been disrupted due to COVID-19 & this strategy call may just be what you need to achieve massive growth this upcoming year. You need to learn how to multiply yourself & impact more people. It's time to innovate & 10x our value. "

Lead Designer & Founder @ Leftspire

Who Am I?

My name is Emanuel Mercapidez and I'm a designer.

I design online user journeys to take people from a problem to a solution.

I team up with talented people and extract their knowledge and goals...

and help them create amazing online programs with strong, high-converting funnels.

I know you hear the word "funnel" a lot right now, BUT are you creating funnels... 

  • For your business?
  • ​For your programs?
  • ​For your keynotes?
  • ​For your books?

You get the picture.

So, I'll ask again, are you creating funnels right now?

If the answer is "No", then listen up because if you do what I'm going to lay out for you...

You'll 10X the value that you currently offer your clients.

You'll 10X your output because we're about to create a virtual version of yourself...

that's accessible via your very own ON-DEMAND PROGRAM.

What Are We Going to Create Together?

We're going to create your membership program that houses your knowledge, expertise, and passions that adds value to your customers and community members.

The more value we can showcase, the more you can sell.

The more you can sell, the more you can impact your customer's lives with your message.

Having your program(s) created allows us to work backwards and create all of the necessary funnels needed to drive traffic, build your community, and sell your programs.

Here are just some of the user flows we can create to ensure all of your content has a purpose and leads to a desired outcome:

We're going to create your membership program that houses your knowledge, expertise, and passions that adds value to your customers and community members.

The more value we can showcase, the more you can sell.

The more you can sell, the more you can impact your customer's lives with your message.

2020 has been a disaster of a year for most and the need for innovation, primarily, digital innovation, has never been so important. 

Are you innovating and multiplying your value or are you falling behind?

What Happens After Creating My Program?

Now we create crystal clear, laser-focused, funnels that lead people from...

Social Media > Opt-In > Consume FREE Content > Ascend to PAID Program = Achieve Results

This is the time to double-down on community building...

Thus the FREE program you're giving out.

It can be a challenge.

An introductory workshop.

Whatever it is that you are an expert in that you can show someone else how to achieve results in that particular field or industry.

During 2021, let's build onto this program so that by 2022 and 2023...

You've created a HUGE VALUE-ADD and DIFFERENTIATOR as to why companies and clients should work with YOU.

Once you have this, clients will almost have no choice, but to work with you.


Because you'll have so many IP (intellectual property) products that you can stack on top of your traditional offerings that will make you that much more desirable.

Your offers will have a 10X multiplier in terms of the value you now offer them, compared to what they're going to pay to work with you.

How 10X?

Because currently, you're LIMITED BY TIME.

When you go and speak or teach a workshop, it's just you...

BUT when you create an on-demand version of that speech, workshop, course, etc....

Then you've now multiplied yourself and your customers can engage with that digital copy of yourself that's adding value to them through your program.

While you're sleeping, on vacation, or actually working with clients...

The VIRTUAL YOU is delivering speeches, teaching people how to do something...

and more importantly...


Schedule a FREE 45-minute call and let's explore your goals, who you're trying to impact, and what's your path to creating that.

Here's Some of My Past Work...

Before hopping on a call, you should explore my work to see if it aligns with your vision.

I can create pretty much any user journey...

BUT I want to make sure we're a right fit together.

This is important for me because I need to believe in what I'm working on...

And you need to believe in your team members, which if we work together, that's essentially what I'll be.

So with that said...

Here are some of my past clients.

Check out their pages and explore their funnels.

P.S. ~ They'll definitely add value to your situation if you're currently struggling with something.

Who Am I?

My name is Emanuel Mercapidez and I'm a designer.

I design online user journeys to take people from a problem to a solution.

I team up with talented people and extract their knowledge and goals...

and help them create amazing online programs with strong, high-converting funnels.

I know you hear the word "funnel" a lot right now, BUT are you creating funnels... 

  • For your business?
  • ​For your programs?
  • ​For your keynotes?
  • ​For your books?

You get the picture.

So, I'll ask again, are you creating funnels right now?

If the answer is "No", then listen up because if you do what I'm going to lay out for you...

You'll 10X the value that you currently offer your clients.

You'll 10X your output because we're about to create a virtual version of yourself...

that's accessible via your very own ON-DEMAND PROGRAM.

What Are We Going to Create Together?

We're going to create your membership program that houses your knowledge, expertise, and passions that adds value to your customers and community members.

The more value we can showcase, the more you can sell.

The more you can sell, the more you can impact your customer's lives with your message.

Having your program(s) created allows us to work backwards and create all of the necessary funnels needed to drive traffic, build your community, and sell your programs.

Here are just some of the user flows we can create to ensure all of your content has a purpose and leads to a desired outcome:

We're going to create your membership program that houses your knowledge, expertise, and passions that adds value to your customers and community members.

The more value we can showcase, the more you can sell.

The more you can sell, the more you can impact your customer's lives with your message.

2020 has been a disaster of a year for most and the need for innovation, primarily, digital innovation, has never been so important. 

Are you innovating and multiplying your value or are you falling behind?

Coaches: 0:59 – 3:37

Speakers: 3:38 – 6:33

Authors: 6:34 – 8:28

What Happens After Creating My Program?

Now we create crystal clear, laser-focused, funnels that lead people from...

Social Media > Opt-In > Consume FREE Content > Ascend to PAID Program = Achieve Results

This is the time to double-down on community building...

Thus the FREE program you're giving out.

It can be a challenge.

An introductory workshop.

Whatever it is that you are an expert in that you can show someone else how to achieve results in that particular field or industry.

During 2021, let's build onto this program so that by 2022 and 2023...

You've created a HUGE VALUE-ADD and DIFFERENTIATOR as to why companies and clients should work with YOU.

Once you have this, clients will almost have no choice, but to work with you.


Because you'll have so many IP (intellectual property) products that you can stack on top of your traditional offerings that will make you that much more desirable.

Your offers will have a 10X multiplier in terms of the value you now offer them, compared to what they're going to pay to work with you.

How 10X?

Because currently, you're LIMITED BY TIME.

When you go and speak or teach a workshop, it's just you...

BUT when you create an on-demand version of that speech, workshop, course, etc....

Then you've now multiplied yourself and your customers can engage with that digital copy of yourself that's adding value to them through your program.

While you're sleeping, on vacation, or actually working with clients...

The VIRTUAL YOU is delivering speeches, teaching people how to do something...

and more importantly...


Schedule a FREE 45-minute call and let's explore your goals, who you're trying to impact, and what's your path to creating that.

Here's Some of My Past Work...

Before hopping on a call, you should explore my work to see if it aligns with your vision.

I can create pretty much any user journey...

BUT I want to make sure we're a right fit together.

This is important for me because I need to believe in what I'm working on...

And you need to believe in your team members, which if we work together, that's essentially what I'll be.

So with that said...

Here are some of my past clients.

Check out their pages and explore their funnels.

P.S. ~ They'll definitely add value to your situation if you're currently struggling with something.

Looking to Achieve Breakthrough Results This 2021?

If 2020 rocked you and you're trying to break through those challenges to really get results, check out 10 Days to Get Results #NoMatterWhat by keynote speaker and innovation expert, Sterling Hawkins.

Testimonial from Innovation Expert, Sterling

"Emanuel's quality of design is top-notch! He literally picked up our brand identity and created an experience that matched it perfectly."

Looking to Achieve Breakthrough Results This 2021?

If 2020 rocked you and you're trying to break through those challenges to really get results, check out 10 Days to Get Results #NoMatterWhat by keynote speaker and innovation expert, Sterling Hawkins.

Testimonial from Innovation Expert, Sterling

"Emanuel's quality of design is top-notch! He literally picked up our brand identity and created an experience that matched it perfectly."

If You're Offering High-Ticket Coaching, Check Out This One...

Struggling with building your revenue? Struggling with the passion in your relationship? Trying to build up your resilience in order to overcome any roadblock? Then check out this storyteller that will ignite your flame Firestarter.

Testimonial from Founder, Sanyika

"Have you ever found a good web designer that can't cut it with strategy? Congratulations, you just found one that SOLVES ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. Emanuel is SUPER HUMAN! He is the perfect combination of beautiful design, high-level strategy, and execution under extreme deadlines."

If You're Offering High-Ticket Coaching, Check Out This One...

Struggling with building your revenue? Struggling with the passion in your relationship? Trying to build up your resilience in order to overcome any roadblock? Then check out this storyteller that will ignite your flame Firestarter.

Testimonial from Founder, Sanyika

"Have you ever found a good web designer that can't cut it with strategy? Congratulations, you just found one that SOLVES ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. Emanuel is SUPER HUMAN! He is the perfect combination of beautiful design, high-level strategy, and execution under extreme deadlines."

Looking For a Full Website Re-Design?

This showcases the versatility in my ability to design. This is a B2B SaaS company where in 50 days, I re-designed, really overhauled, over 20 web pages from scratch to shift the company from startups to purely enterprise clients.

Testimonial from VP of Marketing, Irina

"Before working with Emanuel, we would spend a lot of time & resources to create new campaigns. Now we are live within a week & consider his services a critical arm within our marketing team."

Looking For a Full Website Re-Design?

This showcases the versatility in my ability to design. This is a B2B SaaS company where in 50 days, I re-designed, really overhauled, over 20 web pages from scratch to shift the company from startups to purely enterprise clients.

Testimonial from VP of Marketing, Irina

"Before working with Emanuel, we would spend a lot of time & resources to create new campaigns. Now we are live within a week & consider his services a critical arm within our marketing team."

So What Does Something Like This Cost?

That's a great question!

And the answer is that it depends.

My strategy and design services start at $1,497...

And can exceed 5-figures depending on the scale of the project we're aiming to build.

BUT before we discuss money...

It's really important that we schedule a 30-minute call to really dive into:

  • Goal: What is your goal with your business?
  • ​Offer: What does your current offer look like & what do you want it to look like in the future?
  • Value: What value do you currently offer your customers & how can you increase it?
  • Strategy: What strategy do we need to create in order to achieve that goal?
  • Create: What we need to create in order to execute on that strategy?

From that 45-minute call...

We'll have a clear roadmap moving forward.

From there, we'll know exactly what needs to be built out in the initial phases of the project.

At that point, we go into pricing & the length of the relationship.

So with that said...

Go ahead and schedule your FREE call & let's explore synergies!

What Does a Partnership with Me Look Like?

From the moment we decide to move forward on this working relationship...

I begin my process by reviewing all of your existing branding and what the best in your industry are doing.

We then work together to review where we're currently at...

What those INDUSTRY LEADERS are doing...

And we create a proven framework that will drive results and INCREASE YOUR VALUE 10X to your customers & community members.

We'll refine the strategy going forward, but we'll always make sure we're working towards developing the best user journeys to help you ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS & IMPACT MORE PEOPLE.

The length of a relationship varies from client to client, but what I can assure you is that...


The quality will always be there, but it's important that we move fast so that we can LEARN FAST, TWEAK FAST, & REACH OUR GOALS FASTER.

So if you're ready to explore synergies with a DESIGN MASTER...

Then go ahead and book a call.

It literally won't cost you anything and this might just be the answer you've been looking for.

Thanks for reading to this point and I look forward to taking your user journeys to the next level.

So What Does Something Like This Cost?

That's a great question!

And the answer is that it depends.

My strategy and design services start at $1,497...

And can exceed 5-figures depending on the scale of the project we're aiming to build.

BUT before we discuss money...

It's really important that we schedule a 30-minute call to really dive into:

  • Goal: What is your goal with your business?
  • ​Offer: What does your current offer look like & what do you want it to look like in the future?
  • Value: What value do you currently offer your customers & how can you increase it?
  • Strategy: What strategy do we need to create in order to achieve that goal?
  • Create: What we need to create in order to execute on that strategy?

From that 45-minute call...

We'll have a clear roadmap moving forward.

From there, we'll know exactly what needs to be built out in the initial phases of the project.

At that point, we go into pricing & the length of the relationship.

So with that said...

Go ahead and schedule your FREE call & let's explore synergies!

What Does a Partnership with Me Look Like?

From the moment we decide to move forward on this working relationship...

I begin my process by reviewing all of your existing branding and what the best in your industry are doing.

We then work together to review where we're currently at...

What those INDUSTRY LEADERS are doing...

And we create a proven framework that will drive results and INCREASE YOUR VALUE 10X to your customers & community members.

We'll refine the strategy going forward, but we'll always make sure we're working towards developing the best user journeys to help you ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS & IMPACT MORE PEOPLE.

The length of a relationship varies from client to client, but what I can assure you is that...


The quality will always be there, but it's important that we move fast so that we can LEARN FAST, TWEAK FAST, & REACH OUR GOALS FASTER.

So if you're ready to explore synergies with a DESIGN MASTER...

Then go ahead and book a call.

It literally won't cost you anything and this might just be the answer you've been looking for.

Thanks for reading to this point and I look forward to taking your user journeys to the next level.

Ready to Create Your Own Program With Proven Funnels?

Everything I do is focused around what industry leaders are doing. We start by reviewing your goals and industry, then explore what the best in the industry are doing, then reverse engineer proven frameworks while simultaneously extracting your knowledge, expertise, and passions in order to create a value-add on-demand program.

Ready to Create Your Own Program With Proven Funnels?

Everything I do is focused around what industry leaders are doing. We start by reviewing your goals and industry, then explore what the best in the industry are doing, then reverse engineer proven frameworks while simultaneously extracting your knowledge, expertise, and passions in order to create a value-add on-demand program.

Get in touch: hello@leftspire.com
Copyright © 2020 Emanuel Mercapidez • Created by Leftspire, LLC
Copyright © 2020 Emanuel Mercapidez • Created by Leftspire, LLC